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Can I export the waves to a non-native format automatically?

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Can I export the waves to a non-native format automatically?

Yes you can.
By default, EXOSTIV Dashboard encodes the captures as graphical waves into MYRIAD waveform viewer.
The waves can then be exported from the waveform viewer to another format such as csv or raw binary.
The ‘auto-export’ controls of EXOSTIV Dashboard Analyzer allow setting an automatic export to a non-native format, with or without wave encoding:

Enable auto export : activates this functionality and makes other parameters available.
Disable wave viewer : disables the encoding of the data as waves for the graphical MYRIAD waveform viewer.
Output folder : specifies where the auto-exported files must be saved.
File name : auto-exported file name.
File handling : ‘Overwrite existing file’ or ‘Add timestamp in file creation’ (self-explanatory).
File format : specifies the output file format – csv or binary.
Radix : specifies the encoded data radix.
