Knowledge Base
- How can I use the raw fusion utility in command line?
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- Where can I download software environment v2?
- How to set Exostiv Blade software to lease license from the floating license server?
Core Inserter
- Which Linux distributions are supported for software v2?
- Exostiv Core Inserter – Release Notes
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- How to set Exostiv software to lease license from the floating license server?
- Exostiv Core Inserter for AMD – Installing the Vivado button
- Exostiv Core Inserter Overview
- How to enable advanced transceiver controls like TxDiffCtrl?
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
EP16000 Exostiv Probe
- Which software should I use for Exostiv Labs products?
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
- Can I use a single EXOSTIV Probe with multiple FPGA devices?
- What is the difference between 'Burst to Probe' and 'Stream to Probe'?
- Example of schematics for ARF-6 and QSFP28 on the target board
- AMD Versal: insertion flows overview.
- Get started with Exostiv Probe
Exostiv Blade
Exostiv Blade Client
- Which Linux distributions are supported for software v2?
- In which format is the captured data encoded ?
- How to set Exostiv software to lease license from the floating license server?
- Exostiv Blade Client Overview
- Myriad v2 interface
- What is the software build number and how can I check it?
- Can I probe multiple clock domains?
- Exostiv Blade Client – Release Notes
Exostiv license server
Exostiv Probe Client
- Which Linux distributions are supported for software v2?
- Exostiv Probe Client – Release Notes
- In which format is the captured data encoded ?
- Exostiv Probe Client Overview
- How to set Exostiv software to lease license from the floating license server?
- Myriad v2 interface
- What is the software build number and how can I check it?
- EXOSTIV Probe cannot connect to the target design. What now?
- How to set Exostiv software to lease license from the floating license server?
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- How to set Exostiv Blade software to lease license from the floating license server?
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- How do I set up the Exostiv Dashboard client to lease floating licenses from the server?
- Can I activate the license through a proxy?
- How do I install the license server for floating licenses?
- Where can I find my license key?
Software Installation
- Which Linux distributions are supported for software v2?
- How to set Exostiv software to lease license from the floating license server?
- Exostiv Core Inserter for AMD – Installing the Vivado button
- Which software should I use for Exostiv Labs products?
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- How to set Exostiv Blade software to lease license from the floating license server?
- Installing Exostiv Blade or Exostiv Probe software under Linux
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- Exostiv Core Inserter for AMD – Installing the Vivado button
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- How do I set up the Exostiv Dashboard client to lease floating licenses from the server?
- Core inserter error - ERROR: [Common 17-165] Too many positional options when parsing
- Can I activate the license through a proxy?
Bundles and licensing
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- How do I set up the Exostiv Dashboard client to lease floating licenses from the server?
- I cannot lease a floating license in Debian 9 / Debian Stretch
- Can I activate the license through a proxy?
- I cannot activate my license online. What now?
- How do I install the license server for floating licenses?
- What kind of licensing is available?
- Where can I find my license key?
EP12000 Exostiv Probe
- Which software should I use for Exostiv Labs products?
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
- I have connected the probe to my PC or Mac. The Exostiv Probe connect status is still not on. What's wrong?
- The application crashes when connecting to the probe or updating the firmware
- Probe firmware update
- Can I use optical SFP cables?
- How do I match transceivers on my board with these on the probe?
- The front panel LED is blinking on EXOSTIV Probe. What does it mean?
Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
- Myriad v2 interface
- Can I rename the probed signals?
- Exostiv Dashboard Tcl commands list
- Can I call Exostiv Dashboard from Vivado?
- How do I send a cross-capture unit trigger?
- Can I start Exostiv Dashboard in console mode (TCL)?
- Can I export the waves to a non-native format automatically?
- EXOSTIV waves 'binary format' description
Exostiv Dashboard Core Inserter
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- Microchip FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- Intel FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- AMD FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- Issue when using Vivado 2020.2
- How much FPGA resources does Exostiv IP consume?
- In netlist insertion mode, how are nets preserved so they can be probed and not removed during logic optimization?
- What is the 'event counter' and how do I use it?
Exostiv IP in Exostiv Dashboard
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- What is the ‘User Register’ and how do I use it?
- Microchip FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- Intel FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- AMD FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- Issue when using Vivado 2020.2
- How much FPGA resources does Exostiv IP consume?
- In netlist insertion mode, how are nets preserved so they can be probed and not removed during logic optimization?
- What is the ‘User Register’ and how do I use it?
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- I have connected the probe to my PC or Mac. The Exostiv Probe connect status is still not on. What's wrong?
- Exostiv Dashboard Tcl commands list
- Can I start Exostiv Dashboard in console mode (TCL)?
- Should I use Linux or Windows for best software performance?
- Can I activate the license through a proxy?
Software installation
- Which software should I use for Exostiv Labs products?
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- How do I set up the Exostiv Dashboard client to lease floating licenses from the server?
- Installing Exostiv Dashboard Software under Linux
- FPGA database update package installation
- Segmentation fault (core dumped) QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH - crash
- I have connected the probe to my PC or Mac. The Exostiv Probe connect status is still not on. What's wrong?
- Can I use transceivers located in separate quads for the same IP instance?
- EXOSTIV Dashboard-M – Release Notes
- How do I know if my capture unit is able to stream data?
- Microchip FPGA: which files are produced in RTL flow and how do I use them?
- I have a permanent / perpetual license, but I see it has expired. What happened?
- My license is not activated anymore!
- How to check the expiration date of my node-locked license?
- How do I set up the Exostiv Dashboard client to lease floating licenses from the server?
- Myriad v2 interface
- Where are the waves stored and can I easily transfer them to a new project?
- Waveform viewer shortcuts
- Can I export the waves to a non-native format automatically?
- EXOSTIV waves 'binary format' description
- Should I use Linux or Windows for best software performance?
- Can we export the waves?
Myriad v1 (legacy)