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Myriad v2 interface



Myriad v2 toolbar is located at the top of the window.


Load databaseLoads or imports a waveform database in native (.sdf), Myriad v1 legacy (.hdf) or VCD (.vcd) format. Once loaded the used format is the .sdf native format.
Reload databaseReloads the same database as stored.
Save waves formatting and settingsSaves the viewer gloabl settings and the opened waveform specific formatting to a .sef file.
Load waves formatting and viewer settingsLoads a previously saved settings and formatting file (.sef).
Export wavesExports the waveform or a portion of it to an external file (.csv, .vcd or .bin).
Select signals to displayOpens the list of the signals available for display.
Zoom fullZooms to full range.
Zoom inIncreases the zoom level by one step.
Zoom outDescreases the zoom level by one step.
Zoom lastRecalls the last zoom level.
Add cursorAdds a vertical cursor to the waveform window.
Remove cursorRemoves the selected vertical cursor from the waveform window.
Lock cursorLocks the selected vertical cursor to its current position.
Snap to transitionAutomatically snaps the cursor to the closest transition of the selected signal when it is located in its immediate surroundings.
Search signalSearches a signal in the displayed signals.
Search valueSearchs for a specific value of the selected signal.
Go to sample nrAllows going to a specific sample number.
Search forwardSearches for the next event occurring on the highlighted / selected signal. Uses the Selection choice drop down to define the event.
Search backwardSearches for the previous event occurring on the highlighted / selected signal. Uses the Selection choice drop down to define the event.
Selection choice for forward and backward searchesDefines the type of event to search with the forward and backward event search controls.
SettingsOpens the settings window.

Settings window

This window opens when hitting the ‘settings button’ ()
Global settings tab

Color PresetSelects one the color presets for the waves. The default is 'Custom colors'. Other choices: 'Printer friendly' and 'Printer friendly black and white'.
Background ColorOpens a color picker window. Allows selecting the waves background color. The default color is black.
Default Wave ColorOpens a color picker window. Allows changing the waves default color. the system default is RGB (0,255,0).
Default Wave HeightAllows defining the default height of waves in pixels. The system default is 18.
Wave spacingAllow defining the default spacing between waves in pixels. The sytem default value is 4.
FontOpens a dialog window. Allows changing the interface font.
Reset SettingsResets the above settings to the default values.
Keyboard settings tab

This tab displays the active keyboard shortcuts.
ShowOptions All / Filtered.
Displays all the shortcuts in the set or a subset of them.
Shortcut set(Drop down list) - available:
- Default
- (list of user-defined shortcuts).
Selects the desired shortcut set. The 'default' shortcut set cannot be edited. Creating a new set requires 'cloning' an existing set first.
Clone...Opens a dialog where the cloned shortcut set name can be specified. Allows creating a new custom shortcut set for edition.
Rename...Opens a dialog where the selected shortcut set can be renamed. Allows renaming a shortcut set.
RemoveRemoves the selected shortcut set.
Reset SettingsResets to default values.

Contextual menus

Right-clicking anywhere in the main display areas opens the contextual menus. These menus provide options that can be applied to the selected wave(s).

Menus commands list

First levelSecond levelDescription
Signed (two's complement)
Signed (sign bit)
Changes the selected waves radix.
Allows selecting the display type of the selected wave.
Opens a color picker dialog to set the color of the item selected at the menu second level.
Rename-Opens a dialog to rename the selected signal.
BusCreate Bus
Split Bus
Swap Bus
Applies the chosen action to the selected signals or bus.
Swap Signals-Swaps the order of the selected signals.
Set Height-Opens a dialog where the height of the selected wave can be set.
Copy-Copies the selected signal(s)
Cut-Cuts the selected signal(s)
Paste-Pastes the copied or cut signals.
Delete-Deletes the selected signal(s).
Name & ValueCopy Name
Copy Value
Copy Name & Value
Provides copy functions for the selected signal name and value.
Add Separator-Adds an horizontal separator to the signal list.
GroupMake Group
Split Group
Makes group with the selected signals or removes the selected group.
FindFind Signal
Find Value
Opens a dialog to find signal or value.

Analog Wave Configuration dialog

This dialog box opens when the Format > Analog command is selected.

GroupValues / Options
Wave InformationDisplays the number of bits, the minimum value and the maximum value of the selected wave.
Range Selection- Automatic. If there is more than 64 bits, the MSB are displayed.
- A custom Min/Max can be specified.
Radix- Binary
- Hexadecimal
- Unisgned
- Signed (Two's complement)
- Signed (Sign bit + absolute value).
Wave HeightHeight of the wave in pixels.