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Waveform viewer shortcuts

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Waveform viewer shortcuts

Myriad v2 (from Exostiv Dashboard version 1.10.0):
The keyboard shortcuts are configurable.
To access and adjust the shortcuts list and configuration options, click on the ‘wheel’ icon in the waveform viewer icon bar…

and access the keyboard controls:

Myriad v1 (up to Exostiv Dashboard version 1.9.5):
The shortcuts are fixed.
Here is the list of Myriad v1 waveform viewer keyboard and mouse shortcuts:
mFind next marker
SHIFT + mFind previous marker
lFind previous marker
tFind next trigger
SHIFT + tFind previous trigger
rFind previous trigger
Left arrowScroll left
Right arrowScroll right
Up arrowScroll up
Down arrowScroll down
fZoom full
iZoom in
+Zoom in
SHIFT + i Zoom out
SHIFT + +Zoom out
-Zoom out
oZoom out
Mouse scrollScroll up / down
CTRL + mouse scrollZoom in / out
SHIFT + mouse scrollScroll left / right
Hold CTRL + mouse selectSelect zoom window (release to zoom)
Right clickOpen context menu
Left clickSelect signal & position marker on pointer
Center clickSelect signal