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What is ‘Storage Qualification’?

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What is ‘Storage Qualification’?

‘Storage qualification’ is the ability to filter the captured data upfront in the capture unit, based on a logic equation.
For instance, a bus traffic can be captured ‘only if’ an enable signal is active.
Another example would be to capture pixels from a video flow that belong to a range of lines in the picture only, based on a condition on a ‘line counter’.

How to enable it?
Using storage qualification for a capture unit requires enabling the generation of optional additional logic with the capture unit. As it consumes FPGA resources, it is not enabled by default in EXOSTIV Core Inserter.

How to enable Storage Qualification for the selected Capture Unit

Where can I find it in the Analyzer?
In the EXOSTIV Analyzer, the tab ‘Qualification’ will be available for the capture units where this resource is instantiated.
Storage qualification is able to use logic equations similar to these of the trigger. The qualification condition can be configured at run-time and changing the equation does not require a new IP generation.

How to control Storage Qualification from EXOSTIV Analyzer
