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‘Failed to assign pinout’ error

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‘Failed to assign pinout’ error

Applies to Exostiv for Xilinx.
When running core insertion in netlist flow mode and Vivado, Exostiv Dashboard can return the following error:

Error : Failed to assign pinout.
Error : Message id : 0x80030506
Error :
Error : Vivado returned error:
Error : ERROR: [Common 17-55] ‘set_property’ expects at least one object.Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object.
Error :
Error : EXOSTIV IP insertion failed.

When such an issue occurs, check the Vivado log and search for the following warning right after the ‘Connecting probes…’.

Connecting probes…
WARNING: [Vivado 12-1609] Net (net name) is marked DONT_TOUCH by the tool (not by the user), and it cannot be unset.
Resolution: If the net is set as MARK_DEBUG, then MARK_DEBUG must be unset to remove the DONT_TOUCH
WARNING: [Vivado 12-1609] Net ‘u_demo/sdi_R[1]’ is marked DONT_TOUCH by the tool (not by the user), and it cannot be unset.
Resolution: If the net is set as MARK_DEBUG, then MARK_DEBUG must be unset to remove the DONT_TOUCH

The issue originates from Vivado setting some nets as ‘don’t touch’ and not allowing for subsequent changes.

Re-synthesizing the projet and re-starting the process of inserting the debug core usually solves the problem.
