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How can I easily wire my IP throughout hierarchy in RTL flow?

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How can I easily wire my IP throughout hierarchy in RTL flow?

(This article applies to RTL flow, with VHDL)

When using the ‘RTL’ flow, EXOSTIV IP is generated as a synthesized module that is inserted ‘manually’ into the RTL (VHDL/Verilog) source code. As opposed to the netlist flow, the RTL flow uses a semi-automatic insertion process.
EXOSTIV IP insertion requires:
1) Creating an instance of EXOSTIV IP in the RTL code
2) ‘Wiring’ the logic signals to be observed to EXOSTIV IP
3) Connecting the clocks, I/Os, …

Step 2 above – the wiring of the signals that have to be observed – can be a difficult task, especially when a large number of nodes must be connected to the EXOSTIV IP instance throughout the design hierarchy.
In VHDL, a faster way to connect nodes throughout hierarchy uses records at the interface of all the modules.
The principles are:
– A debug type t_Debug, based on ‘records’ is defined in a central package.
– A port with type t_Debug is added to modules throughout the code hierarchy.
– This work requires modifying the component and entity declarations for all the modules subject to observation with EXOSTIV.
– The debug ports are connected up to the top level.
As opposed to wiring of signals separately, this work will be done only once.
==> From there, wiring an additional signal up to the top level only requires modifying the record type in the VHDL package.
Methodology for wiring debug nodes throughout hierarchy by using record types
