Visibility inside FPGAs

How many FPGA nodes can I connect to EXOSTIV IP?

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How many FPGA nodes can I connect to EXOSTIV IP?

The maximum number of nodes that you can connect to EXOSTIV IP is 16 x 16 x 2,048 = 524,288:
– You can define up to 16 capture units;
– Each capture unit can be connected to up to 16 multiplexed data groups;
– Each data group can be connected to up to 2,048 nodes.

– You can run up to 16 capture units simultaneously, but each of them can access only 1 data group at a time.. Consequently, the maximum number of nodes that can be captured simultaneously is: 16 x 2,048 = 32,768.
– All the nodes that you connect must be routed to the EXOSTIV IP in the target FPGA – this consumes logic and routing resources. There is no warranty that you’ll be able to route any number of nodes.
– The number of nodes should not be seen as the sole dimension for assessing the capabilities of EXOSTIV. In many debugging scenarios, the ‘reach over nodes is nothing but one dimension of the problem – sometimes, it can be much more efficient to capture a more limited number of nodes during larger periods of times. Check about the available bandwidth provided by the transceivers. Please also carefully assess which of continuous or interrupted captures is the most useful to you.

Read more
How many nodes can I sample continuously without creating overflows?
Debugging FPGAs at full speed.
